
Our Environment
We have an indoor gym and a seperate gross motor room for our infants/toddlers.
Our school sits on almost 5 acres - allowing plenty of outdoor space for all of our children on beautiful days!
Our playgrounds offer blacktop areas for basketball, riding bikes, etc.
We proudly have swing-sets for our students along with sandboxes, gardens, a creek for science and nature walks and plenty of room for kickball and soccer!
Variety of Classrooms
Our students rotate between a variety of classrooms every hour.
We have a large assortment of learning activities which are rotated within our classrooms on a monthly basis
Bright Beginnings is committed to maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your child. We follow specific guidelines in regards to cleaning, sanitizing, and hand washing.
Hand washing is the most effective practice in preventing the spread of germs.
Teachers are required to wash their own hands, as well as the hands of the children before and after many food and art activities throughout the day.
All toys are disinfected the prescribed way and toys that children put in their mouth are cleaned and disinfected between each use.
Bright Beginnings cleans the school twice a day once mid day and again in the evening with a professional cleaning company.
All exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day, except our main lobby door which is only open during selected morning and evening pick-up hours.
We utilize exterior video cameras with a monitor in the office as well as an intercom system.
Our 2 way intercom system can be used in each room or the entire facility may be communicated with at the same time.
Our private neighborhood setting and fenced in back play area also assist with our security.
Our teachers are trained once a year in Emergency Response and Tactics by the Beavercreek Police Department.